Recent content by John in Tampa

  1. J

    ID a Gold Ring

    Found this gold ring in a confederate camp I discovered. Found nothing but civil war related items in this area including a CS tongue buckle. Please help ID. There are no markings on the ring. It has never been cleaned. It came out of the ground in this condition. Thanks.
  2. J

    ID Chickamauga area Bullets

    Found 65 shot bullets in really tight area and really close to battlefield. But seems like might be post war....doesn't make sense to me.
  3. J

    ID Bullets found near Chickamauga

    Please help me id these bullets I found supper close to the Chickamauga battlefield border. Found 65 shot bullets within a 50 square yard area. Don't look like civil war but I don't have the experience to ID and I can't figure out how they got there in such a confined area.