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Well today was one of those days were you think things are going to be great the weather is nice, you got a good friend with you, and the relic gods might shine on you today. Well I have always said my luck is the kind were I would never find a buckle just a small part or piece of one, boy oh boy how right I was. My first signal of the day turned out to be this belt plate hook. I hunted my little tail off trying to find the rest of the plate with no such luck. Then about 30 min in to the hunt we almost get shot by a deer hunter it scared us both so bad we high tailed it back to the truck. That ended our day to say the least. I hope you all had a much better Saturday than I did, but hey looking on the bright side I did find a first for myself. I am with all honesty really excited about the hook gives me hope there is one there.

Later Will
I guess they butchered the lead from it. Maybe the face is around. Would be cool to find it anyway.

Im staying in the pasture for now. Atleast until muzzle loader is done.
They must have really need the lead if that's what happened. I found this in a great location. Really close to a rifle pit or what seems to be a rifle pit.

Later Will

That is why during deer season in MS I had rather be carrying my gun instead of a detector. That way I can fire back. A little dangerous in the woods with a lot of hunters. I will research roads and wait til it's safer. I don't own that many pair of shorts and it's always a mess when I get mistaken for a deer. HA!
P.S. Be careful

I often carry a gun with me metal detecting even when it is not deer season in Arkansas. I don't wanna walk up on a momma hog with a bunch of little ones. Those sows get rather protective! And a .40 Glock helps my demeanor when met with such! .......... saves on underwear bill too!

Take care,
