After a little hiatus. I am back.


I am sorry for my lack of visits to the site. I had a little bout of illness and period of overwork. I am sure one resulted in the other. My wife and I both suffered through Georgia's finest Pneumonia, but I am back and kicking. i will be working on he site off and on to fix it over the next 28 days.
I will work on this site and the Pia site mostly.

Thansk for your patience.
Hello my Pard Chuck,

Very much regret to hear that you and your's have been under the weather. From what I hear (and I keep up with these things) I do hope that y'all have not contracted some strange thing from Iraq/Afghanistan.

The CW Bullet website is doing well, but some people who want to join us cannot do so do because the 'Join us" membership page says that said page is not operative. PLEASE fix this problem. YOUR ARE THE MAN!!!
Thanks for everything,