Another hacking attempt.

To all

I am sorry it took me so long to fix. I have been down on the weather this week. I have a fever today and what I think is a viral nasopharyngitis (common cold). I have been feeling like I am going to die - just kidding, but it has been bad. I home one else gets this.

Take Two Asprin and Call Me In The Morning

Hope you get to feeling better soon! Take two asprin and call me in the morning :D . Really, hope you get over it soon!
Hope (for your sake) that you've corrected the security problems! Really hope you find out who's doing it and can stop them from doing it again!!

Take Care Of Yourself! Roger (RAW)
This left some tell tale signs.

This hacker was racially motivated or atleast he wanted us to think so. For some reason he felt only whites belong to this site/organiztation. While it may be true, I doubt it is. We have and will never tolerate racism. One of the webpages was hacked with slanderous comments. I am not sure who or why, but their IP address at Stanford has been forwarded to their server administrator and the local authorities.

I am through playing games. This time I play for keeps.



Once again, thanks for all the work that you put in to keep the board running for us.
I am always amazed that some people can, in the name of political correctness, damage or destroy the work or property of individuals that they do not agree with. Where exactly is the correctness in that?
Also, when did studying or reenacting the ACW become a racist pursuit? I bet that must be quite a surprise to the thousands of african-american re-enactors, researchers and collectors. Add to that the current efforts by some government members to remove the "war" and other unsavory references from the national parks and I have to wonder where our hobby/industry is headed in the next few years.

Any thoughts?

I think I am going to add a page to the site that is denouncing racisim. Not that I am turning into their attacks, I just think it is the prudent thing to do. I will think about it. I am against it because as a caucasian physician, I experience racisim and sexism getting into medicine.
It is vile.