Dodged a bullet today...


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Got called for jury duty today. Showed up and was put in the first group to be questioned (e.g., those with the highest odds of getting chosen). The judge proceeded to inform us this was a complex trial and those selected would be there every day for the next month :VA

He and the lawyers grilled the first 14 of us for five and a half hours. They all know our life stories now along with my 36 fellow jury pool candidates. Fortunately, the nature of my work must have been too close to home for them and I did not get selected (only 6 poor souls of the first batch of 14 did). If I had been chosen, I would have been totally hosed at work.

You have to appreciate the people who make sacrifices of a month of their lives for this type of thing. They seemed like good people. I would have done it if selected, but I must say I was happier than a pig in his own filth when I walked out of that court having fulfilled my obligation as a citizen for at least another year. 8)

Anyway, seeing as I was in a very good mood, I thought I'd share a couple things.

First of all is a percussion weapon I found when surfing the Dixie Gun Works site looking at modern Whitworth bullets (Hint, Hint: caveat emptor all you eBay bullet trollers). ... s_id=11582

Then as I was leaving the courthouse downtown, I passed this vintage car. Someone had nicely placed a large metal post on the corner there for me to lean against while I gawked at the car. Post looked familiar, but...


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By the time I got home it had snowed and this was in my yard

Actually I copied this from another site, but thought it needed to be shared here.

Mike -

First of all, you need to stay out of JimT's back yard. He has been known to set fire to almost anything, including himself. What you have captured is his one-of-a-kind "Incindiary Snow Bullet" (or "ISB") T&T #4,678 as evidenced by the international orange rings. He once had a large bullet collection, but for some reason he deals in mostly campfire melts these days - something about a 3 county fire call. I plan to give him a case of kitchen sized strike anywhere matches for Christmas this year.

The funny looking fireplug is more interesting in a big way. I'd bet that somewhere in that immediate vicinity there was an armory or depot at one point. It sure would be nice to have the time to research that one. It would also be interesting to see what happens when one of these new plastic so-called automobiles jumps the curb and tries to mate with a 5,000 lb iron tube!
