Faint Signals


Established Users
I need some help from some of the Whites detector owners. I have only been detecting a year or so and have some questions on the " faint signals" that you should not pass up. I have an older whites model, the quantum 2. I do not wear headphones because it is usually very quiet where I hunt and I like to hear my surroundings critters and all. Usually when I get a faint signal that registers over 6" , I cut a plug at 6 or so inches go over hole and usually find it is a small object in the plug only between 2 to 3 inches. For example a .22 bullet or casing or a very small nail head etc.
I don't get a lot of time to hunt but will be living on the farm I detect on so I sometimes just dig the "strong signals" that give a decent ID till I have more time. I do look at the bars on the detector and know if I get two bars it should be dug, but usually get the same results.
I will be buying a mxt or dfx when I can but will need to stick with the one I have for a while. I run in the all- metal relic preset program and do the normal raising up and down of coil to obtain ground balance. Any sugg. would be appreciated.

I guess my question would be, If your detector is giving you a "faint deep signal" of 6 in or more how do you determine it is not a for example a copper bb at 1.5 in? That seems to be the trouble I am running into. I do understand I will gain much more knowledge the more I detect and dig, and that I should dig every signal . I am just trying to get some suggestions on what some of you guys and gals do if you run into this same scenario. Does your mxt respond in that way?
Thanks for the reply. I don't have a Mxt yet, but that is what I am intending to get. I currently have a Quantum 2 . It is about a 10 year old machine, but has been a good starter. Anyway this problem might be a nuance on all whites detectors. I hate digging deep holes and find a small piece of iron, only two inches deep, but sometimes you are rewarded with a percussion cap! I do use a pinpointer and that definitely saves some time. I thought there might be a trick some of the whites veterans use to distinguish the small targets from the good deep ones. I guess it is just better to dig them all !!