Pocket knives?


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Hey guys,
Does anyone know if fold over pocket knives existed during the CW era? Found one today, trying to date it.
Thanks for your help!
CW Pocket Knives

Lauren -

Yes, certainly they existed during that war.

There is a famous account of a disagreement between CSA Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest and a Lieutenant in his command during Streights raid on Rome, GA. NBF was unhappy with the way his young officer had fought his pet 3" Rodmans and ordered the officer transferred to another command. The young officer was embarrassed, offended, and hurt.

He asked to see NBF and words ensued. The Lt pulled a hidden (under a duster) handgun and shot NBF in the hip, an apparently fatal wound according to the surgeon. NBF grabbed the officers arm and at the same time opened a small FOLDING KNIFE which he then used to poke the Lt in the abdomen. While both were expected to die, the Lt asked to see NBF who agreed to the meeting and NBF was carried over to the field hospital - they spoke, offered mutual apologies, and the Lt. died. NBF cried. But he didn't die. Don't know if the LT was counted among the 30 men NBF killed personally during the war or not. Maybe the correct number was 31.

There are scores of pocket knives and folding "bowies" (larger folding knives) shown in dealer sales sites. Many were made in the UK, and were particularly favored if made by a Sheffield or London maker. Go to your web browser and look up Joseph Wragg, George Wostenholm, Sheffield Bowie Knife, etc. EBay is a good place to see a few samples. Just type in "Bowie Knife" and start your search as "Highest priced".

Post a picture - someone may be able to help you more.

I have two folding pocket knifes.

Both are brass and about the same size with two blades that fold toward eachother.

Heres one.


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The town in Connecticut that I grew up in had a "Pocket Knife Square" where folding knives were made going back to American Revolution times. They were also used in the Civil War quite a bit.

I did a search on the history of the place in my hometown and found the following:

A folding pocket knife, perhaps the consummately portable multi-purpose tool, was first made in the 1st Century by the Romans to be used on journeys of exploration or conquest. As the popularity of sheathed knives grew, the manufacture of pocket knives waned. By the late 16th Century, however, pocket knives began to regain popularity especially in America. Unlike sheathed knives, which were generally conspicuous and sometimes cumbersome, pocket knives were easily, safely, and invisibly carried in the pocket. Men of all trades, from farmers to academics, carried pocket knives to aid in various tasks, including eating on the go.

Pocket knives have also been important tools of survival for soldiers. New York and New Hampshire required their militias to carry pocket knives during the American Revolutionary War...