Son is coming home soon!


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I got a call from my oldest son at halftime of the Superbowl. He is currently stationed in northern Iraq. He was able to tell me that he is coming home soon. He was not able to tell me when.... but that it would be soon.

Many prayers will be answered when he returns to American soil. This is his second 12 month tour of duty there in 3 years. And, I am so proud of him and his service to this wonderful USA.

I know that there are many things I'd like to see better done by our country and its leaders. And, I'm sure that many of you would have similar thoughts. But, I just can't help but support our nation's military men and women. They have all volunteered.... every single one of them.

I am so proud that my son has been a part of that amazing segment of our nations population.

Thanks for letting me be a proud Dad!

Coming Home


Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your son, may his trip home be quick and uneventful. When he gets here let him know we appreciate the sacrifice and respect what he did more than he will ever know.

Thanks, Tom. I will relay those sentiments to him... as well as those of many others. Thank you also for your word of prayer on his behalf.

Take care,
