Weekend Virginia Finds.


Established Users

Greetings all, temperature of 75, no humidity, stiff breeze, could this possibly be Virginia in the middle of June? Ticks have become so bad that cow grazed fields are about the only option left. Butt plate and eagle button were nice, but the '63IHP was the best non-silver coin I have found to date. Enjoy the pics,

Smoothbore out.
Hey Smoothbore,

Nice penny and button. What type of bullet is that at the top ? Appears to have a wide cavity.

Good stuff.

WTG smoothbore. Don't have to tell me about the ticks. Seems we went through the same thing last year. I will say that smaller deer ticks are in abundance this year. Too hot and dry to even think about digging.

We got the ticks bad this year as well. We have also had some rain as of late, but dang!!!!!!! The darn humidity will have you soaking wet with sweat by 9:30 in the morning or earlier.

Got what I think was a PM from you a while back, but whenever I try to open it..... it opens up the sites main Forum Index page. I don't know what's wrong. I got another PM today from a guy, and it opened up fine.

Take care,
