Civil War Axe ?


Established Users
Hi Gang,

I found this a few days ago and cleaned it. At first, I thought that I had found my first shell ! Big hunk of rusty iron, deep. Had to be a shell, right ? NOPE.

Anyway, is it Civil War era ? I think not but I have no way to tell for sure.

Thanks for the help.

Vegassharp: I found something like this at New Hope Church, Ga. I don't think it's an axe rather a broken aze or az. Notice how on side is almost flat and also notice that the back part has had the pee pounded out of it.

The aze was used to square up logs for log cabins. The flat edge was laid against the log and it was hit from the rear and the log was "planed smooth" on one or two sides for a better fit.

The aze and axe are still used today but if the iron has pock marks then it is probably old and possibly forged. Can't date it any closer than that.


Is that the same as an Adz? They were in use back into prehistoric times with the native Americans...... celts and adzes. I agree that this is shaped more like the az/adz.

Take care,

Thanks Nemo and thanks Kim.

Yep, it is very close to the photos you posted. I can see where the flared side has been broken.

With a lot of trench lines in the area, maybe they could have used this for shaping head logs ?

It is very pock marked and the iron is very black and brittle. It was completely covered with a thick layer of rust. I found it at a depth of 14 inches, so it's been there a while.

Appreciate the help !

Kim: You know spelling is not my strong suite especially after 11 o'clock. Adz is correct. The Adz you are referring to did the same job but had a different handle and head. The handle was like a pick axe and blade was parallel to ground rather than perpendicular. Name is the same.
