Civil War Ghosts????


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I caught the end of a ghost hunter program the other night on TV. I think they were in a building that was a hospital during the WBTS.

That got me thinking to whether anyone on this site has had a haunted run-in on a CW site. I figure some might not believe in ghosts, some might. I'm somewhat in the middle as Ive had an unexplainable experience (not CW related) but my logic/religion tells me not to believe. That being said, i tend to be on the side that believes in paranormal happenings do exists in some way.

I was especially wondering about you guys from Gettysburg, as Ive read and seen shows on television about the high level of paranormal activity in that town and on the battlefield. Any stories?

My father still swears to a paranormal experience he had as a kid. The house across the street from my grandmother was built in 1838 i believe. It was used as an hospital after the battle of Shiloh. My father, who is usually not one to be interested ghostly things, was sleeping over at his friends who lived in this home. He swears that he heard some one asking/crying for water in the middle of the night. It still spooks him to this day if you bring it up.

Any others? :eek:
Hey CC68
Are you getting ready for Halloween or something? I have never seen a spook or a Hank and I don’t ever want to! However I have heard some tales from common folks not interested in such things explaining things that they have seen but can’t understand. They simply shrug their shoulders and get a bewildered look on their face. That program “Ghost of Gettysburg” is real creepy and tells a lot of believable stories of such common folks. You should get TomH to chime in on this subject, he knows a bit about this subject. Don’t forget to cut some eye holes in the bed sheet before you go out trick or treating!
Boo you later alligator!
Two years ago my wife and I went on a ghost hunt in Harpers Ferry WVa. It was hosted at Hill Top Hotel which was built right on top of Union graves. The soldiers were not even moved and the wall of the graveyard is part of the hotels foundations. The original owner of the place was rather upset at the Union victory of the war and felt the U.S. govt' owed him something. We were able to see "orbs" on the security cameras and some other people got some wild photos. I mainly just got drunk. It was rather creepy down in the cellar though. I have had ghostly experiences in my family's house (ca. 1782) a few years ago. I have heard heavy booted foot steps going up stairs and felt a hand touch me. I took video out by the old graveyard and captured a "red orb" on film. Very cool to see that. That's just some of my experiences.
That was a bad place to build a hotel! You just don’t mess with the dead; these things should be avoided and left alone. A long time ago a fellow relic hound found a field hospital site full of apothecary bottles and spots of piles of spent bullet where the surgeons had dropped them while they cut off arms and legs. I wouldn’t go near the place but I did often hunt a creek in Dallas Georgia where their was fired bullets. canister shot and shell fragments every twelve inches apart. It kind of gives you a sick feeling to think about what had gone on there.
I'm not a big believer in the "orb" phenomenon. I think most all of them can be explained away as flash hitting dust or moisture droplets.
For the most part I do agree with "orbs" being discredited easily. Especially with still photography. But in this case I was using a video camera with no external light source and it was pitch black outside as all of the film shows. This "thing" moves into the shot, stops, then zooms out of the shot. It was not visible with my eye and the eye of the person with me until we watched the film. It could probably be explained but....Now the "orbs" on the surveillance camera at the Hotel could, and were most likely, dust and other small things in the air of the lobby. Just my humble thoughts.
Civil War Ghosts

Guys, I have to tell you that I really don't know what to believe when it comes to the the whole "Spector, Apparition, Ghost, Orbs" thing. I tend to try to disprove it rather than accept it. I must tell you this however. My wife and I were at one of our yearly trips to Gettysburg in November 2003. Staying on Baltimore at the Holiday in. We were at Cemetery hill there (across from the Horse soldier) at about 7:30 AM and I was at the Palmer memorial while my wife was looking down the side of the hill when she asked me "Are you allowed to run on the Battlefield?" I said why not we are standing on it. She said well there is a man running down there. I said so what? She said well he ran up to where that little tree was and just and as he ran past it he vanished. I came to the top of the hill at this point and saw nothing, if anyone were running he would have still been in our sight. Now my wife knows almost nothing about the Civil War. I could tell her It was between Canada and Antarctica and she would believe me. I asked her was he Jogging? She said no like really running hard. She said he was wearing Gray clothes and he was moving! I said like Gray sweat pants? She said no! Gray clothes. He was running like really fast and vanished right by that little tree. I went halfway down the hill and saw nothing. Now, maybe the Grapefruit she had for breakfast went sour on her, I don't know. She maintains to this day that a man in Gray clothes was running and vanished right in front of her. I'm not going to argue with her I never win arguments with her anyway! LOL She thinks she saw a Ghost at Gettysburg I am still looking for a logical explanation and that's where it ends.
Hi Claude
That is a classic description of seeing a Hank! People have claimed to see them and even talked to them thinking that they are ordinary folks and then they simply vanish! Experts on the subject believe they are people that don’t know or won’t except that they are dead.
Civil War Ghosts

Hi Danny
I went to the link on the Haints or Hanks as you mentioned and that sounds like what she might have seen. We get reports here too near the Franklin Battlefield of a Civil War ghost that is reported to haunt a local mansion. I live right near where Hoods Cavalry was positioned in 1864 near the Battle of Thompsons Station and where both the Confederate and Union Army went up and back down the Columbia Pike from Alabama to Nashville and back again, and have never seen anything. And I used to ride home from work at 3AM! But I never saw anything more than a few Possums running across the road. It seems that these things are reported to be often sighted where the loss of life is Extreme and or Quick. Whatever or whoever my wife saw at Gettysburg certainly was not normal.
Hey Claude
Were those Possums running across the road real large and wild eyed having big claws and fangs like some demons from hell!
Civil War Ghosts

Hey Danny
Na, the Possums here are sort of wide eyed (especially when a 3/4 ton Pickup truck is bearing down on them at 60MPH at 3AM) but not really all that possessed.
Talk about reported Ghost stories though, I do remember an account by a Boy Scout Troop leader or something like that at Gettysburg a few years ago. I believe it was by Cemetery Ridge. He claimed that the boys all awoke from a night of camping out and the scout leader looked across this misty morning field there and noticed a whole column of Confederate infantry, flags flying, drum cadence just a single tap as they marched single file, snaking across the high grass field. He turned to the boys and said. Wow we are going to have a re-enactment today, and with that while they all watched the entire column just vanished in front of them. Creepy! It was on TV a few years back on one of those haunting shows like the Travel Channel has every Friday night.
Hey Claude
Ya’ll must be set up well for pie fixings with all of those Possums running around up there! :lol:
I saw that story about the column of infantry on the Ghost of Gettysburg TV show but the situation was a group of foreign dignitaries being given a park tour. A scary story about the Boy Scouts happened in the north Georgia mountains a long time ago that didn’t involve ghost. The troop had bedded down on one of the huge slab stones that from the creek banks there. In the morning when they awoke they found themselves surrounded by dozens on rattle snakes who were using the residual heat from yesterday’s sun to regulate their cold blooded body temperature! Now that is scarier than any ghost to me!
interesting guys. Hope I'm not out of line here, but wanted to ask if Danny's font was hard on anyone elses eyes or just mine? :eek:

maybe i need glasses, but i find the bold harder to read..
If the bold font is hard for you to read I will be happy to use this. I use the bold because it's easier for blind old me to see. I typically write the post in Word and just paste them into the forum so it doesn't make any difference to me. Let me know if this post is better for you?
Civil War Ghosts

Snakes! Now that is Scary. Although a good friend of mine from North Carolina taught me that once you learn the 2 different types of snakes you aren't scared any more. I asked him what are the 2 types. He replied Big dead ones and little dead ones! He shoots them both LOL