Forum has been hacked.


I am trying to get it back up, but please be patient. I will get it back up by 5 or 6 pm 8/26/02.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

Who would want to do such a thing to a CW Bullet forum? What a bunch of retards. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!

To Chuck and All,
Sorry if I sounded rude.....I was not aware that a hacking had taken place. Some people are so Low in Life that they try their best to bring down everything else to that level!

I Apologize Once Again!


Once again, thanks for all the effort to keep us online, as always, your efforts are greatly appreciated. Were you able to identify the hacker?

You are welcome.

I am sorry for my absence. The war on terror has extended my tour in Europe for a year, but I will be back in the states by July one way or the other. I am done with army in July unless I extend my Commission.

Hello Chuck,
No doubt we all regret to hear of your extended duty overseas. Most folks do not realize that terms of enlistment of our people in the military have been indefinately prolonged.

My ex-wife (a heck of a gal in the MS Air National Guard) was called up for active duty back in March. She spent several months, as a flight nurse with the Air Force, in several countries in the 'East'. Was under fire in Afghanstan on more than one occasion. Saw her on the Fox News channel unloading wounded American soldiers in German from a C130. She's been home for several weeks, but is going back within the month.

The state park where I work adopted her and hew crew. We sent 'care packages' full of things they need but cannot acquire easily. Would you believe that Beany-Weanies are high on their list!? They are because they can tuck the small can in the various pockets in their flight suits and use the pull tabs to open them whenever needed.

We also send books, chips, candy, pudding, shampoo, flour tortillias, zip-lock bags, any kind of small tuna & cracker type items for them. Also tooth brushes and the plastic containers they fit into, and soap and the plastic containers for them. Large bandanas are VERY well received. The dust in incredible...they all look like bandits sometimes. Heck, my sister even had her 5th grade school class write letters to the men and women 'over there'. Sure, sounds kinda weak, but the troops LOVED it.

What her crew does not use they take into the 'ZONE', Afghanistan. This they dole out to the wounded and the GRUNTS. The ground troops have little to work with except what the military provides. They really appreciate whatever extra they can get. Since my ex is a flight nurse she gets to Germany on occasion and is able to pick up some things they need at the Base Exchanges there, so that helps.

My question to you, Chuck, is there anything we might send over to you? Two local churches here actively support our efforts to assist the people doing their duty overseas. Are there any things we might send which the wounded and injured might need that are not provided for by the military?

To others out there, I urge you to check around to see if Narional Guard or Reserve units from your home state are posted in any of today's trouble spots. If they are, please adopt some unit and help them out with 'care packages' from home. Unless you have ever been in the military overseas you can have no idea how much ANYTHING from home means to these folks.

I'll tell you now, it's not cheap sending 'care packages' overseas. Costs right about $1.00 per pound. And you have to tape things up very well. Anyone interested in doing some sending shoud check with their local Post Office about items which are banned.

Did not mean to run on so long. Just the fact that Chuck will be over there for a good while longer than expected got my motor running.

Best regards,
Gary (PIA)