Help needed


I am not planning of shutting down the forum at this stage. I have no thoughts of it, but what I need is help with it. Not Money, but what I do need is volunteers to help moderate and admin the forum.

I also need honest input on what to do to fix the website. Any suggestions such as design, colors, features (remove or add), etc would me much appreciated.

Moderator = you will edit and read posts to determine if they are in the right place and if they are spam. You will be able to move them to spam folder for review and deletion.

Admin = you will be able to do anything such as help other get their account working. I would like for you to have some basic website skills to help program the site, but this is not a must.

If you are capable, or interested, email or PM me. This site has slid a little, but I do not want it to fall.


Administrators needed:

I would like one or two people to help keep the site running. I have one already maybe. I just need help when I am deployed. I will pay for everything. I just do not want the site to have all the problems we had this year when I was out of town.


Just PM me if you are interested in helping and I make the change in the permissions to allow you to be a moderator or administrator.