Hornets/Yellow Jackets


Established Users
Hello Fellow diggers,

I had a terrifying experience this past Sunday, while digging with my hunting budies, I overturned a small log, and a few hornets/yellow jackets came out-no big deal I thought, I swatted them away and began swinging my F-75. Maybe 10 seconds later I swear the entire hive came out and I was covered with hornets/yellow jackets on me (yellow with small black bands). I began to swat them as best as I could while holding my detector in my right hand. At this point I was covered and I began running away from the initial site-they followed me for at least 10-15 minutes. if there was a body of water or stream near by I would have gladly jumped in-but there was none.

After going to the ER last night to get my shot of penicillin and a shot of benedryl, after being stung maybe 30+ times over my entire body, I am happy and very blessed by the good Lord to be alive first and foremost to detect yet another day. But this has been a very sobering and learning experience for myself. How many of my fellow diggers carry a can of hornet/wasp repellent (other) into the field? Besides the typical first aid kit, snake bite kit etc, I think it is also important to carry along a can of bee/wasp/hornet/yellow jacket repellent. My entire purpose for posting this is to educate and make the detecting community aware of "hidden" dangers in the woods and like the boy scout creed: "be Prepared". What insect repellent do my fellow diggers use in the field and has anyone also experienced being englfed by an entire hive of pissed off hornets-and if so, what did you do? I pray no one else has to experience what I just did. Be safe and vigilent my fellow diggers....

Happy Hunting.

Hi Wayne
I am so glad that you were not allergic as that many stings would have put you six feet under. I wish I had brought my can of Raid wasp and hornet spray with us when you were attacked. I sure would have been happy to spray the entire can on them. I think next time out there I will carry it with us so I can avenge your attack. It's payback time.

When I first saw you dancing around in the woods I thought you were doing the happy dance; it was only after I saw the terror in your eyes that I knew something was wrong. I then thought that you might have been snake bit but when you came running saw the hornets. Wish I could have taken a few more of them out but I did get two of them. I should have taken you to the fire department to have them treat you. I sure had no idea that you had been stung so many times! Ouch! I hate snakes and I hate anything that stings or bites.

We will be better prepared next time out!

My thoughts on this now is to seek medical aid if you get a bunch of hornet, wasp, or bee stings. You will have to decide at what point you seek aid, if you are allergic then at the first sting go other wise go when you start feeling out of sorts.

Lets all be careful and dig up some good finds!
PS: Remember; Don't leave it in the ground!

FYI for all our Veterans I want to tell you I work across the Potomac River from Arlington National Cemetary and they just buried another Hero. I am listening to the 21 gun salute as I write this note. God Bless our Troops!