I'm Baaaaaaack


Established Users

It has been a while but I am back (please keep the boos and catcalls to a minimum). Health and family issues have kept me away for too long but things are headed back in the right direction and I am looking forward to chatting with some old friends and ruffling some feathers like the good old days.

While I was gone I changed direction of my business and am now producing smartphone/tablet apps for the historical community. My first app, The Animated Hardee's Tactics - Volume 1 is now available. Volume 1 contains:

Formation of a regiment
Posts of Officers
Instruction of Battalion
School of the Soldier
School of the Company
Instruction for Skirmishers

The text is from the original 1855 release and there are more than 50 animations to demonstrate the various maneuvers. It is available for Android phones and tablets (on Google Marketplace and the Amazon.com AppStore) and for Apple iPhones, iPods and iPads on iTunes and both versions sell for $4.99.

If anyone has any ideas for apps that they would like to co-produce drop me a PM. I am always looking for new ideas.

Anyway, let the flaming begin,
Tom Henrique