National Geographic!!!


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I just saw the newest National Geographic at the book store. It has a great article in it about the preservation of Civil War battlefields and how quickly they are being destroyed. Some great pics of battlefields then and what they look like now. Rather sickening. Thought I'd mention it because it is very important topic to us CW enthusiasts!!!!!!!!!
Yes, MosbyRanger, sickening is one word for it alright. There are quite a number of endangered sites—one of the worst has to be what is happening at a site that’s close to my heart, Mansfield, LA. See: Someday I want to visit what’s left there—only hope there’s a THERE there by the time I do! The surrounding “modern” area of devastation has got to qualify for a big part in the general “uglification” of America that’s afoot (uglification being a good descriptive neologism from Kundera’s novel, “The Unbearable Lightness of Being”).