What a shock! Way to go Arnie!!!


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Another favorite hobby of mine is GOLF! I don't take the game seriously but I do enjoy playing when the weather is nice and it's a great time for the wife and I to have some quite time to be alone.
I received my "Callaway Golf" magazine the other day in the mail and began reading an article titled, "At Home With Arnold." In the article they show pictures of Arnold Palmer in his workshop at home tinkering with his golf clubs. Immediately on the wall I noticed a display case filled with about 12 civil war bullets! I was shocked because this man has everything in the world along with all his trophies and memorabilia and right smack on the wall are these cw bullets displayed. I would post a picture of this but photo rights would be violated. But I'm curious as to why Arnold Palmer would have this display in among some of his most notable memorabilia. Maybe a friend of his found them with a detector on a piece of property that he may own around the United States. I don't know but I have an even more greater appreciation for Arnold Palmer now because of all the things he could of put up for display, he must somehow have an appreciation for civil war relics or he would not have put them up there on display. Comments are welcome.