Where is the Administrator?


Established Users
This is a super nice web site but unfortunately it's getting bombarded with so much spam I can't even post a pic anymore. I would hate to lose this site so I will just have to wait until it all clears up before I can post again. Take care!
I was going to upload some pics of the last 2 days finds and have been unsuccessful as well. Three times I have received and upload error. I don't know if this is due to Spam but it sure is a drag not to be able to show stuff!!!!
Steve, be patient.

Chuck is out of country and real busy

Quote from Chuck reffering to SPAM.

"Soon all this will be history. I am readying an update to install while I AM ON leave."

Forgive him, hes a Marine!

Yeah, this place is my favorite. I check everyday for something new, especially pictures. Its kinda like "we" are all participating in eachothers finds., exciting.

About pictures. I just use a 2nd party host. In a previous thread I posted I use "photobucket.com." Since this website allows hyperlinks, Id reccomend that anyway. Makes it alot easier to keep track of all your photos. You can have multiple user accounts. So you could use one name (account) for Civil war pictures, another (account) name, for vacations etc.

Not sure if the upgrade will lose any stored pictures. Also not sure if its costing Chuck money to store them for us on this server.

I'm Back

Well, sort of. I finally have my internet working again. I have been in Iraq for 9 months and have 3 to go. I am sorry for all the spam and bad posts and some errors with pictures / images. The will soon be a thing of the past.

I am working on an upgrade that will fix security issues and make the board easier to use. It will come with a massive change in the web site that will make it simpler but yet more powerful.

Thanks for your patience while I endure one of the most frustrating times of my left. I have not even been able to talk to my wife.

I can't even imagine the pain and suffering that you guys endure everyday over in Iraq. I hope someday soon they can hand over all responsibilities to the Iraqi Government and get our Troops out of there. We have been there way too long and it's time for an exit strategy. All the best my friend! :D
Thanks for your service, Chuck. We owe all you folks over there a huge debt of gratitude. Stay safe.

jimmyk in Missouri
Here's wishing a safe three months for you and your buddies, Chuck. I'm moving you to the top of my prayer list.

Jimmyk wrote:
>Thanks for your service, Chuck. We owe all you folks over there a huge debt of gratitude. Stay safe.

Ditto, Chuck.

Dr. Beach wrote:
>Thinking of you Chuck; wishing you well, and a safe return soon.


Daveslem wrote:
>Here's wishing a safe three months for you and your buddies, Chuck. I'm moving you to the top of my prayer list.

In the name of Christ Jesus we pray, in agreement, Amen.

Most sincere regards,
Pete [PCGeorge]